You’ll usually see your down payment listed as a percentage of your loan value. For example, if you have a 20% down payment on a $100,000 loan, you’ll bring $20,000 to closing. Most loan types require some kind of down payment. We offer Down Payment Assistance for many different scenarios meaning you MAY be able to buy for little or No Money Down. #downpayment #mortgageinfo #mortgagelanguage #mortgageterminology #mortgage #lending

You’ll usually see your down payment listed as a percentage of your loan value. For example, if you have a 20% down payment on a $100,000 loan, you’ll bring $20,000 to closing. Most loan types require some kind of down payment. We offer Down Payment Assistance for many different scenarios meaning you MAY be able to buy for little or No Money Down. #downpayment #mortgageinfo #mortgagelanguage #mortgageterminology #mortgage #lending


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